I’m Jason, and I like to lead and be a part of teams of like-minded professionals doing great things. I’ve done the “solo entrepreneur” thing, and while it’s an amazing challenge, there’s just something about being a part of an organization that’s bigger than just me, filled with great people pulling in the same direction for a common mission. I never thought my most valuable professional skills would have come from coaching little league baseball, but it turns out that bringing a bunch of players with different personalities and background together to accomplish a common goal that none of us could do on our own is exactly what drives me in my career. Plus, going out for ice cream after a big win is pretty cool too.
I’m a storyteller at heart, which is what makes marketing and communications so much fun for me. I value clarity and precision when communicating brand values, no matter the medium. I’ve worked in small organizations, large organizations, and I’ve successfully started and run my own businesses as well, so my experience runs across all kinds of situations. This variety has taught me a level of flexibility and adaptability that I believe is crucial in today’s climate where things change rapidly and it’s only getting noisier by the day.
I’ve worked for small agencies, large agencies, and I’ve even run my own agency for a spell. I’ve overseen the development and launch of literally hundreds of websites, including some sites for some of the largest brands in the world. (Pink bunnies with drums, purple velvet bags of whiskey, brightly colored sports drinks on the football sideline … you get the idea) Want to leverage my experience on your project or team? Let’s talk… I’d love to see how we could collaborate to do something cool. And for the record I want mint chocolate chip for that victory party.
I know there’s not much to this site. I have a lot to do here, but I’m so busy with my clients that it’s been a low priority lately. Just hang tight – there’s more info coming! Below are just a few samples of sites I’ve worked on either as development team lead, or principal developer.